About the Journal

Welcome to Indonesian Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development or Jurnal Pembangunan dan Alam Lestari (JPAL) (print ISSN 2087-3522; e - ISSN 2338-1671), a scientific journal published by the Postgraduate School, Universitas Brawijaya. Colleagues can access JPAL articles on published scientific papers in review, short reports, and articles in aspects of environmental impacts (biophysical and socio-economic) a result of development. The journal also examines the phenomenon of a complex interaction between development and the environment, with the aim of looking for alternative solutions in realizing sustainability of all aspects of human activity development related.

JPAL is published 2 (two) times a year (Number 1: January; Number 2: July). Submissions are open all year-round. Before submitting, please make sure that the manuscript is in the focus and scope of JPAL, written in ENGLISH, and follows our author guidelines and manuscript template. All submitted articles shall be original, have never been published elsewhere, and not under consideration for other publications.

Since December 18, 2018 J-PAL is Accredited by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia (No: 34/E/KPT/2018) for 5 years.

Focus and Scope

  1. Synergistic interactions among communities, development, and the environment and their implications for the sustainability of development
  2. Technical, economic, ethical, and philosophical aspects of sustainable development
  3. Obstacles and ways to overcome them in realizing sustainable development
  4. Local and national development sustainability initiatives, their practical implementation
  5. Development and implementation of environmental sustainability indicators
  6. Development, verification, implementation, and monitoring of sustainable development policies
  7. Aspects of sustainability in the management of land resources, water, energy, and biological, towards sustainable development
  8. Impacts of agricultural and forestry activities on the conservation of soil and aquatic ecosystems as well as the preservation of soil and aquatic ecosystems and the preservation of biodiversity
  9. The impact of global energy use and climate change on sustainable development
  10. The impact of population growth and human activities on the resilience of food and natural resources for sustainable development
  11. The role of national and international agencies, as well as international arrangements in realizing sustainable development
  12. The social and cultural context of sustainable development
  13. The role of education and public awareness in realizing sustainable development
  14. The role of political and economic Instruments in sustainable development
  15. Alternative realize sustainable development efforts
  16. Other topics that are still relevant to the development and environmental sustainability


Call for Paper JPAL 2025


Call for Paper JPAL

We invite all Researchers, Scientists, Students, and professionals to consider submitting an article for possible publication. Authors should follow the guidelines prescribed by the Journal for preparing their submissions. If you would like to contribute an article or review or would like any more information, please get in touch with editors via email: j-pal@ub.ac.id

Read more about Call for Paper JPAL 2025

Current Issue

Vol. 15 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Pembangunan dan Alam Lestari
Published: 2024-08-29


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